We teach proven sales systems that let you close more profitable sales more often, and retain those customers for years to come.


You believe your results could be even better than they already are. You don’t have time to participate in generic group sessions designed for the lowest common denominator, for a variety of industries, or covering topics you have already mastered. You want a course that is tailored specifically to you.

  • Six, 3-hour classroom training sessions covering the core modules of effective sales.
  • Six, 1-hour 1-on-1 customized training sessions.
what makes this program unique?

Participants in the program will learn how to apply an advancement-driven funnel to their unique company situation. This experiential program trains both the art and process of sales, using your real world examples in real time so learning is immediately translated into action and results.


Our Sales Training consists of the following modules:

 This module teaches participants how an advancement driven business development funnel increases sales while providing important predictive information that an event driven funnel cannot provide.

Concepts covered: Sales funnel, unique value proposition, stages to a sale.

Participants in this module learn how to quickly identify and qualify prospects so that their time is dedicated to the highest probability sales.

Concepts covered: Marketing matrix, elevator pitch, USPs and differentiators, disqualifying, objections handling.

The best sales people know how to ask the right questions that uncover critical information to the sale. Participants in this module learn not only how to ask these questions, but also anticipate and pre-empt any objections that may arise.

Concepts covered: – Upfront verbal contracts; prospect theory; features, advantages and benefits; SPIN selling, Pre-empting objections; pricing theory and the psychology of anchoring.

People make decisions based on emotion and then rationalize them with facts. Participants will learn how effective story telling in both verbal and written forms can be the key to making the sale.

Concepts covered: Story telling, proposal best practices, proposal reviews.

Companies often miss out on opportunities to delight their clients. These missed opportunities provide windows for the competition to take the business away. Participants will learn how to protect their clients by delighting their clients through every step of the process.

Concepts covered: Account kick-offs, check-ins, account review meetings

Managers are made, not born. Participants in this session will learn best practices for managing their sales team to increase their effectiveness through proven management techniques.

Concepts covered: sales territories, coaching, whale hunting, company sales meetings.

“This workshop has given our team the tools to better identify opportunities to influence and persuade partners we work with to help grow the overall business and reach our team goals.”

Anderson Tim

Analytic Co

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