Our small business leadership training gets the results you deserve. An MBA in a box, customized to your company that arms you with the specific skills you need to take your business to the next level.


You are a small business leader that wants better results. This can mean more profits, more time or less stress. Maybe it’s a combination of all three. Maybe you’re burnt out and don’t know what is next for you.

Regardless of your goals, you don’t have a lot of time to participate in classes where only one or two nuggets can be mined to apply to your circumstances. You want an efficient, customized training program that targets your specific challenges.


Our leadership training program runs for six months. It is fully customized to suit participant needs. The content is drawn from QTI's comprehensive list of Module Topics.


QTI SOLUTIONS draws from the following module themes for its small business leadership training. Modules can span multiple sessions depending on the participant’s needs. Please contact us for more information on sub-modules within each module.

Successful companies know not only how to define strategy, but also how to execute it through the organization. QTI Solutions training ensures that participants deeply understand what strategy is and how it applies to their organizations. Concepts covered include strategic plans and follow-ups, organization structures and competitive frameworks.

The most common thing that we hear from our clients is that they do not have enough time. In this module, participants will learn how to prioritize the actions that will impact their business the most. Concepts covered include time boxing, pomodoros and prioritization scorecards.

 How quickly a company can respond to events is dictated in part by its communication systems. When properly implemented, these systems ensure that information flows up and down the organization. The faster the information can flow, the more effective a business can be. Participants in this module will learn how to implement these key systems and how to keep them running.

Management is a skill that is part science and part art. For many, it requires years of experience – learning through experiences while picking up nuggets of knowledge sporadically. QTI Solutions training helps shortcut that process by providing participants with proven tools and systems they can use to manage their people. Concepts covered include expectation setting, verbal upfront contracts and goal setting.

A bad hire can cost a company many times that person’s salary in lost productivity and opportunity cost. In this module, participants will learn how to effectively recruit and retain their staff for the long term. Concepts covered include topgrading, different interview types and personality traits.

Accountability systems help managers communicate expectations and provide a framework for follow-up. When used properly, they can motivate employees and increase performance. Conversely, if they are misused, employees will leave and company performance will suffer. Participants in this module will learn the key components of accountability systems and how they integrate with existing components in their organizations.

Participants in this module will learn how to identify and track the key performance metrics for their companies. They will receive exposure to performance management tools like dashboards, financial budgets and activity budgets that will help them manage their companies by the numbers. As a result, they will be better equip to make decisions supported by data instead of relying on just intuition.

This module will help participants learn how to develop their unique value proposition. QTI Solutions training will show them how to identify the “Why” behind their business and communicate that to their prospects. Select tools covered in this module include the competitive analysis frameworks, the 10×10 matrix and Ansoff’s matrix.

Sales is the process that transforms prospects that do not know your company exists to repeat customers. This module will cover concepts like the sales funnel, pricing theory and negotiating best practices.

This module will teach participants how to effectively deliver their products or services to their clients. Topics covered might include scheduling, estimating, project management, inventory management and continuous improvement processes.

This module teaches participants how to effectively schedule and deliver their products/services to their clients. Topics covered might include schedule optimization, labour utilization, materials and WIP handling and production tracking.

Participants in this module learn how to enable others to act through process controls. This includes establishing standards, documenting current processes and developing methodologies to change outdated, redundant or inefficient processes.

“Great workshop! Very well done and very useful information delivered in an excellent manner. I would highly recommend this Workshop to anyone that is interested in improving their relationships and in growing their business opportunities”

Brandon Lim

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