QTI SOLUTIONS’ unique strategic planning training combines all the elements you need to drive your winning strategy throughout your entire organization. From the boardroom to the field, every aspect of your business will be imbued with the thinking to lift your organization to its full potential. This applied program combines decades of research on strategic practice, a proven track record of implementation success, and hands-on custom training to ensure lasting results.


You are someone who is currently managing people and would like to deepen your management practice. Our Advanced Management training program is applicable to people from every industry and at all levels. If you graduated from one of our training programs prior to Fall 2019, please see our Advanced Management Training Bridge Program.

  • Four, 3-hour classroom sessions covering advanced modules of effective management. 
  • Four, 1-hour 1-on-1 customized training sessions.
  • Real world situations that help you learn and apply techniques in your environment
what makes this program unique?

We go beyond just theory and the classroom by helping participants implement what they learn and build capacity in their organization. During our 1-on-1 training sessions, individuals learn how to overcome their specific management challenges so that the results stick.

Training Modules

Our Advanced Management training program consists of the following modules:

Tough Talk: How to Have the Conversations You’ve Been Avoiding

Participants will learn to identify when tough talk is necessary, how to prepare for tough conversations, and practice the art of better communication. They will know how to create a safe environment for communication to unfold and develop an action plan to deal with their toughest roadblocks. They will also learn how to coach others to address the roadblocks in their way and create an environment of direct, non-personal feedback.

Concepts Covered: Identification of tough talk situations, using KIND (kind, intentional, non-threatening, but direct) communication, personal styles, establishing personal goals, controlling emotions, and communication escalation.

Meeting Rhythm Training

Participants will understand why meetings are simultaneously the most vivified management tool and the most efficient form of communication when done well. Learn how to facilitate constructive participation and get the most from any meeting.

Concepts Covered: Strategic vs. tactical meetings, huddles, departmental meetings, setting agendas, the role of leader and chair, and setting ground rules.

Managing Yourself and Managing Up

Participants will discover how to absorb feedback in healthy ways, their personal styles of receiving feedback, working in teams, learning styles, and how to explain these traits to others. Also, when and how to ask for help. They will also sleuth out boss’ tendencies and how to manage up.

Concepts Covered: Introversion / extroversion, strengths and weaknesses, communication styles, and sharing methodology.

Leading Change

Participants will learn about the manager’s role in creating understanding, addressing WIIFM, education, ability, and reinforcement of any change initiative.

Concepts Covered: Change communication best practices, common implementation roadblocks, how to motivate individuals toward change, and training best practices.

"The course gave me numerous valuable tools that I was able to apply immediately to be a better manager."


Binnal Rico Pte Ltd

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